Thursday, March 17, 2011

the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

"There are a million different opinions from a million different people, I get it that not everyone is going to like what you do, and I get that no matter what, you're going to be criticized for something." - Taylor Swift. 
Just shut it all out and walk on. 

This week-long break has been pretty great so far. Well, for starters, I have been catching up on all the sleep I missed out on the past month. (Though it's kinda ironic that it's almost 1.30 now.) And my to-do list has been diminishing slowly but surely, turns out holding myself hostage at home is doing me good. Will be going out tomorrow and friday though, so the productiveness stops here for now. 

So, with JC life in full swing now, I must say things really are terribly different from rg, and it wouldn't be fair to compare them. But one thing's for sure, I have no idea what I was thinking when I thought life was complicated back then! As much as I yearn for that kind of simplicity and stability back in my life, I'm enjoying myself so much being so busy and happening. Well, but having so much stuff on your hands is one thing, committing to them is another issue altogether. I'm having second thoughts on taking up guitar. For one, it's very individualistic, not that it's a bad thing, mind you. But to me, everyone's just trying to learn to play the guitar as fast as they possibly can, and frankly, I don't see much beyond that. I really don't think I'm cut out for this. Maybe things will change soon enough and I'm just worrying over nothing. 

On a sidenote, I love raffles interact so much it's amazing! (When you contrast this to what I said about guitar, the difference is horrifying.) But seriously, I love how everyone has a place and how I'm meeting new friends everyday. This is truly awesome in every sense of the word! <3

Drama Fest last Saturday was really good, the actors were terribly talented, the plots were stunningly crafted and I was so amazed by the pure genius of every single play. I'm still recovering from the shock at how near-flawless everything was, seriously. And MR WON (though frankly I did think every single house was absolutely brilliant).

Chen Su Lan service on Monday was really great, mainly because the kids are so cute in their own queer ways. But kids have the weirdest ways of putting two and two together and making terribly wrong assumptions about people hahaha. Can't wait for more stuff to come!   

The little insecurities that you contain inside never really go away no matter how hard you convince yourself they do.



  1. HAHA do you have to post the "you are loved" pic after every post?!


  2. Hey lingzhi,

    Hehehe glad you noticed because I totally didn't realise I posted it before! But I changed it now, it's an equally sweet picture <3 <3

    love, verna
