Friday, January 13, 2012

save regrets for the broken

"Two facts about my favourite things: I like being alone because that is when I am most reflective. I like being with people because this is when I get the most inspired. I am a walking contradiction."

First week back at school and I feel like I've been completely drained of any energy. No kidding, school is terribly exhausting. Absolutely, positively exhausting. And it's not just because our homeroom's on the sixth floor. Or because I have officially given up scrambling for the lifts in the morning. Ahh I'm so tired, and there's like a whole pile of stuff to do, I wonder if exhaustion has limits ):

Yes, gotta do away with all the unnecessary judging and start recognising people for who they are. I have really nice people in my life, I realised, and they are all too nice to me that sometimes I don't even believe it's possible. Makes you feel loved, but sometimes, it makes you feel so lonely. Like their being nice to you is an obligation of some sort. Okay I should stop trying to take apart the so-called 'niceness' and go rest my overworked brain for a bit.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

better days

Hi world first day of school tomorrow!! I'm probably the total opposite of an excited enthusiastic kid right now. Anyway this year, I'm gonna be extra hardworking and put that extra bit in whatever I put my mind to. And. I'm gonna cross bridges when I actually get to them instead of having a million little worries swimming in my head. Which basically means stop worrying so much. And I guess everything else will naturally fall into place, wouldn't they? :>

so true so true!! my judgement's so messed up these days.