Monday, November 14, 2011

wide open heart.

"Running is easy, it's the stopping that's hard. But life was never supposed to be hard, so I'll just keep on running."

I'm sitting here doing nothing in particular and it just occurred to me that life's so nearly perfect. November's in full swing, which must only be a good thing, and the only thing I'm worrying about is, uh jabs on wednesday. A stark contrast to those who have ten thousand things running simultaneously through their minds, and I'm glad. There's this feeling of utter happiness that comes with knowing you have nothing to do. Except maybe a pesky little math assignment or two.

Reasons why I'm happy:

1. I have the bestest bestest pw group in the world. And I really really really mean it. (Added in a few more reallys for emphasis). You know you do when you don't mind doing pw for another year with them OKAY WAIT I TAKE IT BACK I DEFINITELY MIND. But you get the point, which reminds me, I've got emails to reply!!!

2. Pw's over. Which means everything remotely pw-related goes out the window too. But the process of pw has been quite fun, actually (and yes, I'm not crazy). Especially with great groupmates (refer to point 1)

3. It's been raining and rain puts me in good moods. 

4. Made the biggest 11:11 wish in my lifetime! And felt good about it too. Not the biggest one I could think of, but who needs wishes when you've got everything you could possibly want right here on earth. So grateful :)

5. I'm excited for vietnam!!

6. Settled some stuff that's been bugging me. All because I created a problem in my head that wasn't there in the first place haha. I'm such an idiottttt at times. But no matter!

7. No reason not to be! 

You know the time between sunset and pitch blackness? I never seem to be able to catch it. Shall make it a goal!

of all the pinky promises,

Friday, November 4, 2011

make believe

'Never underestimate the power of glitter. It's Kindergarten 101, really. Squeeze an unrealistic amount of glue on construction paper. Dump a pile of glitter on top. Shake. And let dry. Glitter is like ... little flecks of brilliance caught in a tube. A miracle in a jar. Because glitter can take any work in progress to that next level. It hides the most glaring of imperfections, works to bring out the best in everything. It takes the ordinary and turns it into something interesting and beautiful.' - Cross My Heart by Katie Klein

So true, don't you think. Glitter is so fascinating, really, it definitely enhances stuff, but it's sort of like this opaque veil that masks imperfections and hides the ugliest of truths. But when all that glitter is scraped off, the veil evaporates to reveal the honest, ugly truth underneath. Sad, really, how some people just keep piling on layers and layers of glitter over their lives, people don't recognise them anymore, they can't even recognise themselves.

True, glitter may represent some form of better reality. Honestly though, masquerading as someone else is definitely not something you want to spend your entire life doing. People forget that Halloween lasts only one night, leave their costumes on too long, and it becomes a permanent part of them. Not them, but a part of them, see the difference! And they end up forgetting who they were underneath all the costumes and make-up. Okay, moral of story, all that glitters is not gold hehehe. Don't go chasing someone else when being yourself is possibly the best thing you can offer the world :))

Watching X Factor now while posting this hahaha. My sister got me hooked on following all the X Factor stuffz but it's totally worth it. The performances are really ah-mazing :))) Rooting for Drew!! hehehe.

frolicsome. :)