Wednesday, May 7, 2014

fake it to make it

Summer is looking pretty good with zurich to end it all off! Although it means I have less time in sg with the ppl I love, I suppose it's a fair exchange cuz I get to see places I've only dreamt about thus far :-) plus I'm kinda embracing the thought of travelling alone (technically) and escaping the staleness of singapore

Craving freshness like all the time now / getting restless more easily with each passing day although I honestly have the bestest ppl in my life right now / need more things to channel more efforts into that's actually something I can actually call my own (o m g I'm typing with slashes this is joy's doing!!!! her typing style has been slowly rubbing off on me the past six months. but not that I'm complaining though he he)

Though I dislike smu with an intense passion a lot of the time, happiness can still be found in the worst places. I guess I've finally found my own little grass patch of happiness here, one that I can actually call my own. One that I have carefully drawn the boundaries of. Just crossed my mind how much like grass relationships/friendships are; they yellow if we don't tend to them, pretty much like how this patch of happiness might slip out of my grasp as easily as it entered. 

Made soooo many bad decisions the past year, decisions I might have to live with for yet another year. It's physically painful, and what hurts is that the ppl I trust in most will never completely understand. Sobz really want to drop it all and escape (this is where the zurich part comes in I suppose)

smu taking away the bits of sincerity left in me cuz the competition's all too real and sometimes you just got to fake it to make it )-: hate this but better to learn it sooner than later

okay shall stop being a puddle of moodiness I really do love the fact that it's summer and I have time (TIME IS NOT OF THE ESSENCE NO MORE BYE CONTRACT)
