Friday, October 18, 2013

the good die young / but the great will always last

'It's just I don't feel like explaining to ppl how much it means to me so I don't mention it at all'
Like I don't think it's fair or even possible to condense the four best years of my life in a single sentence so I'd rather just not bring it up at all.
'Like I think some ppl don't deserve to know the important parts of me.'
Because not being able to appreciate the importance of it in my life is akin to not knowing it at all. If there's one thing I can't take, it's ppl trivializing things that mean the world to me.

I'm on the verge of being crushed by all the things life is throwing my way and it's not funny anymore )-: and cuz I rarely say I'm dying, so when I do tell people I'm dying, I kid you not. But honestly I'm okay there's no reason to get all worked up, I've done this before and I can do this again.

Anyway I've just got to tell the world this!!! My senior was classmates with Becky in ac omg is this the part where my life and the life she left behind converges HAHAHAHA I'd like to think so :) the world is too small. but yeah okay little things like this can make my day my life must be quite bleak ha ha

So glad lz still texts me it's her sense of humour that helps me get through life :) srsly don't know what I'd do without her!!! I rly rly miss school now esp seeing all the pics of uniform day on insta!! I don't think I was ever ready for uni and a part of me prolly will never be. But ok verna you need to focus on the present stop going back to the past when the present gets tough!!!!

I actually kinda miss volunteering at csl too all those kids could make my day happy no matter how bad it was :-) oh boy life has changed so much in the span of a year

If today's the day I die/ lay me down under the lights/ let me fall in love/ let me save a life
And let me lose my voice/ singing all my favorite songs/ let me stare up at the stars/ cuz it's where we all belong

Lz is too funny I rly have to give her some credit

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