Monday, August 29, 2011

highways and dead ends

It's been a short ten weeks, and everything seems to be falling in and out of place repeatedly. But I'm not going to let myself fall apart, even if I may be splitting at the seams already. Besides, I can't, since the whole world would be looking on, if you know what I mean. I have a hell lot of things weighing heavily on my mind now, and right now, I just feel like dumping my brain into the ocean. Okay fine, not the wisest thing to do, since I would be needing my brain for Promos.

I really need to stop missing stuff and get on with life. It's just a pathetic excuse to stay put because I don't have the courage to face anything. If it was a great big fire-breathing dragon that I had to face, I really wouldn't mind. But sometimes, things are just more complicated than a fire-breathing dragon. Like, seriously.

Anyway, people have been leaving confused. More confused than I have been in a long time. And I'm wondering what I did wrong, and whether I can ever put it right again. But I promise you, if I could, I really would.

So there goes my life,
Passing by with every exit sign.
It's been so long,
Sometimes I wonder how I will stay strong.
No sleep tonight,
I'll keep on driving these dark highway lines.
And as the moon fades,
One moment gone, only twenty more days.

- Hello, I'm In Delaware, City and Colour

I really love this song, kinda describes what I'm feeling. And Dallas Green's voice is really great :))

Okay, chem calls, I can hear my periodic table screaming at me to come back.

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