Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It's been quite a long while since I last posted, and well, as always, lots of things have happened and are happening (I can't say for sure). Yes anyway, I thought it would be good to start off the new term with a post because, call me old-fashioned, but there's nothing a good bit a reflection can't cure. So, CT2s just ended, by just I mean like 4 days, which is a pretty short time, if you ask me. BUT (and there always is a but) school's starting up again tomorrow, and after a month and a half of studying at home, school just doesn't feel right. I've been doing so many things I love the past four days, and I feel pretty well-rested, although rest is relative and something I never ever get enough of. :)

I've been reading so many amazing books, books that make me feel like ripping my heart out after I finish them. But what I realised is that I get disillusioned very easily by books, and very, very overwhelmed. Somehow, I end up staying in that world that words create and it becomes very difficult to get my heart back in the right place. Which means that I kinda need to stop reading that much and pick it up after As, which makes me sad, really, but I seriously need some self-restraint.

Okay I just packed my file for tomorrow and happened to glance at this schedule thing that my teacher gave us at the start of this year, and it says prelims start 27th august. HELLO WHERE DID ALL MY TIME GO.   That's like in 2 months and I haven't even recovered from the shock of CTs yet. Okay time to study real hard, and dream even harder, because that's gonna be where my motivation stems from. Kkk smile on my face, spring in my step, I can do thisssssssss :)))

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