Saturday, March 31, 2012

and still the world spins.

Hi world. You know, I really miss the times when everyone was genuinely happy. ): These days I just feel like I'm going through the motions of life and school, merely tolerating it rather than living it as I should be. Add in all the stress and the copious amounts of studying we've been doing and you get a bunch of bordering-on-crazy students. The thought of As is just too frightening for me to handle right now, though I have long accepted that fact. It's just pure insanity, taking that one exam to determine the rest of your life. How am I ever gonna get through it ): ok ok I am way too pessimistic lately, need some optimism back in my life!!

Anyway, life has been pretty good. Interact camp came and went, YGH came and went (and a whole lot of designing too), first term came and went. Met some pretty amazing people, had some pretty great experiences with great friends. Currently looking back at the past from time to time and deriving so much joy from the memories that I find myself smiling stupidly to myself on the way home. Hope I'm not being too vague here, but there's so much that has happened in the past months I can't even begin to describe them. I'm just very glad that I have friends standing by me all the time, really glad that I've discovered so many new friendships and rekindled old ones, and blessed that I have all these people to tide through As with. Not going to easy and nothing's guaranteed, but all I know is all of us will see the other side. Eventually. Just like how I thought CTs were going to be the death of me, but I proved myself wrong, emerged stronger, with a battle half-won. Everything's gonna go uphill from here, the gravity of everything's set in, the urgency to prove ourselves always at the back of our minds. But we're definitely more than okay.

Fact of life. But the hunger games was soo good :)

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